Tuesday, July 01, 2008


INFJ: Introverted(11%) Intuitive(38%) Feeling(38%) Judging(22%)

Looks like I am pretty consistent. I actually thought that I might come up with a different result. Numbers do seem to indicate I am close to the middle ground in terms of introversion and the judging aspect of my character. But I do believe that in a professional situation, my personality skews towards a more ENTJ. I.e.more extrovert, and more intellectual. That's just my own perception - never checked it with that psychometric test. Perhaps I would like to see myself as being balanced or at least being aware of and seeking to establish that middle ground. That intuition aspect however seems to be a key dominant characteristic that does not shift.

Interesting that one can observe the types on you tube. I am curious to see how I look on video - hence the motivation to go get myself a webcam. Something that has always been considered to be nice to have but not really justified.

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INFJ RING Power By Ringsurf