Thursday, July 17, 2008


Time has been whizzing by...
  • Squatting 240lbs
  • Hawthorn vs Sydney match last Sunday - getting the hang of it - its entertaining, there's thuggery, plenty of vertical highball action, hands, legs, pushing, shoving, anything goes man...
  • Gained substantial understanding of the local real estate having spent every Saturday morning to survey a different part of town
  • Started the first trade on the ASX today!!!
  • Sorted out the QT install problem
  • Sorted a way of organising code snippets using eclipse
  • There's openings here and there worthy of serious consideration - AR
  • First taste of KANGAROO!!! the trick is to cook it well and what you get is a bland tasteless piece of chewy meat. If you want the flavour, cook it medium well. Ain't much flavour to talk about --- its gamey, that about it. I don't like gamey.
  • On the other hand --- there was a pack of T-bones that I finished off last weekend, and the "yum" was beyond description. Premium sirloin was almost as good: it cost a bit less. So you get what you pay for.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

June Instrospection

Half a mind to write about things that suck - but its all in the perception. With enough insights and life experience one can extract wonder and beauty from any situation. Its the toxins accumulated over 10 years in a less than ideal environment that sometimes poison the mind. While going through a detoxification process, one would now and then be haunted by the ghosts. Its all part of the healing process. We know that its all good here. And its only the beginning. How much of the past does one care to salvage? How much work is involved to dust off the dirt from a relic and recondition it for a new life? that remains to be seen.

On the tech front...

This area has seen slow progress. Mainly having screwed up my QT installation a couple of weeks back with eclipse. Managed to recover last weekend and overcome the sticky bits. The rig appears to be nicely setup now ready for some action. Was slow due to the procrastination, --- too much multitasking ain't good. Stumbled into stumbler add-on last night when pondering on whether to upgrade to firefox 3.0... the thing is pretty addictive. Stole from me a few critical hours. Well having unstuck myself I am looking forwards to finally getting down and dirty with making up some new stuff.

What has been said by Roger has rung true all these years - with tools already setup, half the battle is won. Always worthwhile taking the time to set it all up properly (and understand well enough to know how to repeat the process!)

Been itching also to get started on LAMP...


Pretty much on target having progressed to 220lb quickly. Not too happy with the form, as it does appear that I get sloppier and sloppier as I pile on the weights. Hence I am administering a large dose of high reps training that alternate between testing my limits. Present state is 120lbs x 24 reps x 6 sets. At low intensity, I do feel that I am able to better focus on the form and cardio efficiency. The latter is the one aspect that I perceive as my weakness and needs work. I expect to up the weights within this week.


INFJ: Introverted(11%) Intuitive(38%) Feeling(38%) Judging(22%)

Looks like I am pretty consistent. I actually thought that I might come up with a different result. Numbers do seem to indicate I am close to the middle ground in terms of introversion and the judging aspect of my character. But I do believe that in a professional situation, my personality skews towards a more ENTJ. I.e.more extrovert, and more intellectual. That's just my own perception - never checked it with that psychometric test. Perhaps I would like to see myself as being balanced or at least being aware of and seeking to establish that middle ground. That intuition aspect however seems to be a key dominant characteristic that does not shift.

Interesting that one can observe the types on you tube. I am curious to see how I look on video - hence the motivation to go get myself a webcam. Something that has always been considered to be nice to have but not really justified.
INFJ RING Power By Ringsurf