Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ye ain't nowhere near yet bro!

The squats arrived at 200lbs today, still some ways to go to hit 300lbs.
At 20lb a month, we will get there by the end of the year. Here's to getting rid of the limits all round.

250lbs x 20 by August
--- specialization!!! ---
--- specialization!!! ---
--- specialization!!! ---
300lbs x 20 by December

Australian Rules football

My first lazy attempt to understand Footy: Meatpie is to Footy as Hotdogs are to Baseball in the US.

And this is my adopted team.
Thats an obligation one must have when carrying a stainless steel flask around marked with the swans logo.

Community Service

Having decided that its time to go back into the community service.
Here are two sources for web hosting Godaddy and CrystalTech.
A few ideas:
- a forum for migrants and useful information, also hook up a webcam
- a site for local ethnic businesses
- a forum for good old bayan lepas community
- what else?

It would be a good opportunity to sling some PHP code and MySQL, while doing my lil bit for humanity.

Good link on PHP vs Java

This link answers a question that I had in mind today.


Looks like both are good. PHP for rapid prototyping, Java for the final works.

Still looking around for a good code snippet manager.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

INFJ RING Power By Ringsurf