Sunday, November 23, 2008


I've been absent from here for a few months. Reality setting in! The newness of it all is wearing thin. There has been some internal struggle to keep the momentum going but when you have arrived at a kind of steady state it becomes evident.

There has been progress, but the degree of newness is becoming less and less. Trying to be creative to keep the motivation levels up this can be quite challenging sometimes!

Time for a holiday to break the monotony. Sigh. I am no machine, a proper break is absolutely needed every 6 months no matter how great one feels things are going.

So I am looking forward to the break in Xmas. Go back, see the family. I need a new set of tracks to run on. Things look clearer after you step out and look back from the outside or from a distance.

So whats been happening!!!
  • Hit the biking trails on weekends - but that's going to be replaced with swimming pretty soon - better cardio workout and also a changewould be refreshing
  • Squats have plateaued - trying to break that with deadlifts
  • Incline presses have plateaued - trying to break that with more back workouts
  • What I really need to do these days however is to put up one or two tech projects on the web --- embedded joke browsing device (mini haha!) , c# modbus sniffer. I need to work on how to present stuff better --- especially online. New widgets to play with to convey information.
Been mucking about with a few things recently. Playing about with facebook. Its a good way to hook up with old friends and family. Sharing photos of recent events. Then once you get addicted to it, the time that is spent on it could just get out of hand. Disproportionate to whatever benefit you get from it. Its good for idling away the time, which is probably what I have been doing all this time.

Picked up that book by Eckhart Tolle. A lot of the ideas he described rings true in a timeless sort of way. But how can one be focussed on getting to the future without having to focus and visualize the objective. When one is so deeply rooted in the present moment, it becomes somewhat tricky to motivate towards a future goal. My take on Tolle would be yes - and no. Some ideas are well described, others may not be appropriate to my set of circumstances anyway.

Anyways --- I was out for a break, but I am back. Sidetracked by a few things that keep me amused but it seems that they have little value in propelling me forwards, toward a greater sense of clarity of my future. I am trying to restore the levels of enthusiasm I had for the present or more accurately the future with the time, the place and the opportunities I have before me. After being somewhat sapped of momentum and focus for a few weeks and a few significant events I think I have returned. Surer and more focussed.

New toys in the inventory... USB target board - Windows Device Driver. TCPIP Target Board - AjAX. New Server machine - Apache/PHP/MySQL. Its all good. Getting a few new ideas going on them will be fun. They will be a sort of path forward.

Meanwhile, staying put and consolidating the space I am occupying is something not to be forsaken.
INFJ RING Power By Ringsurf